Bycatch Reduction Devices (BRD) are devices inserted in a fishing gear usually trawl in shrimp fisheries, close to the cod-end, to allow escapement, alive, of unwanted species (including medusae) or individuals (juveniles) or endangered species (e.g. seals, turtles, dolphins).
Backdown manouvre is the most important, and in a way culminating, stage of the porpoise release operation. Learn more
Cone is not a Bycatch Reduction Device (BRD) but has been designed to increase the efficiency of BRDs to exclude fish from the trawl. Learn more
Fisheye is designed to allow fish to voluntarily swim throuh an escape opening in the codend. Learn more
Medina panels constructed of fine mesh webbing, Medina panels sewn into the upper part of the purse seine net protected dolphins from becoming tangled. Learn more
Nordmore grid is primarly designed to exclude large animals from prawn trawls. Learn more
Net drum is a wide powered spool (usually hydraulic) on which a trawl or salmon purse seine net is wound when hauling. Learn more
Turtle Excluder Device (TED) is a device fitted to a net or modification that allows turtles to escape immediatly after capture in the net. Learn more
Square mesh window allows fish to escape upwards through the large square mesh, while the sgrimps that do not swim as well as fish pass into the codend. Learn more
Radial Escape Section (RES) is primarily designed to allow fish to swim through large square meshes that extend radially around the codend and escape. Learn more
Super shooter is primarly designed to exclude large animals from prawn trawls. It features an alluminium grid secured to the trawl at 45 degrees from the vertical.