
Cod, Alaskan Pacific Fillet Refresh 10#

Product #: 11010PF

Scientific Name: Gadus macrocephalus

Country of Origin: United States

$10.95 /LB (minimum: 1 LB)


Catch Info:

View details of SeafoodWatch Catch Methods


Pacific cod are white, lean and flaky with a high moisture content.

Pacific cod are caught throughout the North Pacific Ocean from China to the U.S. The vast majority of Pacific cod sold in the United States is harvested in Alaska, but imports from China and Russia are also present in the marketplace.

The Alaskan cod fishery has been certified as sustainable and well managed by the Marine Stewardship Council. This fish is harvested with trawl nets, longlines, and pots. Though trawl nets and longlines can have many negative impacts on the ecosystem there are many regulations in the U.S. designed to reduce these impacts.

Fillet; skin off.

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