Product #: 11060FOFF
Scientific Name: Coryphaena hippurus
Country of Origin: Ecuador
$19.99 /LB (minimum: 1 LB)Mahi mahi is lean and firm with large, moist flakes. It has a somewhat pronounced flavor that can be lessened by trimming away the dark meat.
Mahi mahi is found in tropical and sub-tropical waters around the world.
The U.S. has a relatively small fishery (2 million pounds per year, two-thirds of which is from Hawaii). Conversely, the U.S. imports approximately 40 million pounds a year. Mahi mahi is naturally resilient to fishing pressure because of high reproductive capacity and quick growth. Unfortunately, mahi is not a primary management focus in most countries. Few data are collected and statuses are generally unknown. Mahi is usually harvested with longlines, which have little to no impact on marine habitats but can have a great deal of bycatch including juvenile fish, sharks, and endangered and threatened sea turtles. In the U.S. there are a number of extensive regulations to reduce this bycatch but very few foreign countries have implemented any such regulations. Occasionally, mahi is caught with trolls, which have little to no bycatch. It is best to serve mahi in the summer months when they are caught in our local waters.
Filet, skin-off; 4 to 10 pounds.
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