
Arctic Charr, Scale Gut

Product #: 11161SG

Scientific Name: Salvelinus Alpinus

Country of Origin: Iceland

$10.88 /LB (minimum: 1 LB)

LB (3 lb average)

Catch Info:

  • Method:
  • Gear:
    Outdoor flowthrough tanks
View details of SeafoodWatch Catch Methods


Arctic Char is a member of the salmonid family, closely related to trout and salmon. While it shares a similar appearance to salmon, its flavor is more akin to trout—milder and less oily. The flesh is moderately firm, yet very flaky, and the color ranges from light pink to dark red. Known for its high fat content, Arctic Char is versatile in preparation but should have the skin removed before cooking, as it tends to become tough when cooked. Our Arctic Char is bred from a wild Icelandic strain, ensuring a non-GMO product. No antibiotics or medical treatments are used, and only high-quality, sustainably sourced feed is provided. The production process utilizes 100% renewable energy and clean water, with an impressively low feed conversion ratio of 1.2, reflecting a commitment to sustainability and quality.

Arctic Char are found in the northern reaches of the European, Asian and American continents as well as Greenland and Iceland. While there are some wild fisheries, the majority of Arctic Char are farmed in Canada and Iceland.

Arctic Char is a unique fish with varying life cycles depending on the population. While some are anadromous, spending their adult years in the ocean and returning to freshwater rivers and lakes to breed, others are landlocked and remain in freshwater throughout their entire life cycle. This adaptation has paved the way for land-based aquaculture of Arctic Char, allowing them to be raised in controlled, closed systems. These systems significantly reduce the risk of pollution, disease outbreaks, and escapes into the wild, ensuring a more sustainable farming process. Wastewater is typically treated before being released, minimizing environmental impact. Although Arctic Char are carnivorous and require protein and oil in their diet for proper nutrition, the feed industry is actively working to shift towards land-based proteins and oils, reducing the need for wild fish harvests and further supporting sustainability.

External Links:

Environmental Defense Fund

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