
Salmon Verlasso Fillet ASC

Product #: 11175F

Scientific Name: Salmo Salar

Country of Origin: Chile

$12.69 /LB (minimum: 1 LB)


Catch Info:

  • Method:
    Cages/ Net Pens
  • Gear:
    Marine net pens
View details of SeafoodWatch Catch Methods


The vast majority, over 99%, of Atlantic salmon available in the commercial market is farm raised. Farmed salmon have a milder, more delicate flavor than wild salmon. Their flesh is moderately firm and somewhat oily, though less so than wild Chinook (king) salmon. The color varies from orange to pinkish orange based on the amount of pigment added to the feed (not a dye added to the flesh of the fish as many people believe), which is meant to mimic the natural pigments in the prey species that wild salmon consume.

Atlantic salmon are native to the northern Atlantic Ocean, but are farmed in more than a dozen countries around the world including places like Chile where it is not native.

There are some serious sustainability issues in Chilean salmon aquaculture. The production system, open sea cages, leads to a great deal of interaction between the farm and the surrounding ecosystem. For this type of system to be sustainable there must be a great deal of monitoring conducted by the farm employees, the government, and ideally third party inspectors. The species being farmed, Atlantic salmon, is not native to the area but they do escape into the surrounding environment. These fish are competing with native species for resources and some farmed salmon are thought to have established breeding populations. Salmon are carnivorous and require certain levels of protein in their diet on the farm, but Chile is successfully substituting some agricultural protein and oil to reduce the demand for wild caught fish. Use of chemicals and drugs on salmon farms is nearly unregulated and very common. Bacteria and pests, such as sea lice, are beginning to develop immunities to these drugs and disease is a substantial problem in Chile. Waste from fish farms has been unregulated and unmonitored until recently and has affected the seabed communities underneath salmon cages. Recent regulations will require reductions in the amount of salmon in cages until conditions improve. The regulatory authority over salmon farms in Chile is spread between multiple government authorities and regulations seem to be lacking for this very large and still expanding industry.

Atlantic Salmon is a silver-skinned fish with distinct dark blue-green, cross-like spots over the body and head, and above the lateral line. The underside of the fish is nearly all white. Verlasso Salmon is a premium Salmon raised using innovated farming techniques to ensure the health of the Salmon, the health of our oceans, and the long-term availability of fish. Verlasso salmon has a buttery mouth feel, firm texture and mild flavor that complements any method of cooking or preparation. It is lower in fat than conventional farmed Salmon and offers a brighter taste with no residual fishy flavor on the palate or aroma in the kitchen. Clean, fresh and firm, Verlasso salmon makes every dish a masterpiece. Each fish is carefully raised from egg to market size, humanely harvested, and processed all by Verlasso. The Salmon is raised in low density ocean pens in Patagonia, where there is very little industrial development and pristine waters. By replacing the fish oil and fish meal in the traditional Salmon diet with a diet rich in concentrated algae, the “fish in, fish out” ratio has been reduced to 1:1, therefore using fewer wild-caught feeder fish. No hormones or preventative antibiotics are used in raising Verlasso Salmon.

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