
Bronzini, 800-1000 S&G

Product #: 11029SG

Scientific Name: Dicentrarchus Labrax

Country of Origin: Spain

$9.69 /LB (minimum: 1 LB)


Catch Info:

  • Method:
    Cages/ Net Pens
  • Gear:
    Marine net pens
View details of SeafoodWatch Catch Methods


This is a very lean, delicate and sweet tasting fish. Simple cooking methods work the best.

Most farming occurs in Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Croatia and Egypt.

Bronzini, also known as European or Mediterranean seabass or loup de mere, was one of the first types of fish to be farmed in Europe. It is a native species and there are small commercial fisheries targeting bronzini, but now almost all of the bronzini on the market are farm-raised. Though they can be raised in salt, brackish or freshwater, bronzini are usually raised in coastal sea cages. This type of farming system is very open to the surrounding environment, increasing the risk of pollution, disease transfer to and from wild fish, and escapes of farmed fish. In addition, bronzini are carnivorous, requiring fish protein and oil in their diet, which is typically derived from wild harvest of other fish species. These factors all reduce the sustainability of this product.

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